Silent Canine Epidemic

1 in 2 dogs get cancer.

Canine cancer rate has skyrocketed to 50% by 2021.

This loving species have more cancer than any other mammal on Earth.

The heart of Pio, is an easy entry to proactive wellness.

The Aftermath

“I wish I had known”

“I lost my dog to cancer.”

We have a silent epidemic rampaging at the cellular level, 50% cancer rate.

Once you receive a cancer diagnosis, life is never the same. Millions of families will be affected.

The Devil Rolling Dice

Pet food is a hundred-year-old lie from World War I.

Aluminum shortage during the war led to kibble.

The pet food industry’s got a billion dollar problem.

75 billion is spent on pets in America annually.

Owners are spending 200% more.

But dog lifespan has decreased 25%.

The average bag of pet food is 50% sugar.

A dangerous combination.

A billion dollar problem.

A hundred-year-old lie.

Are the odds in favor?


Swimming in Dark Waters

“50% of what we learn here is false.

Problem is, we don’t know which 50%.”

—— Dr. Steve Marsden on veterinary care

In 1973, canine cancer rate was roughly 1 in 10.

In 2020, cancer rate is 1 in 2.

Damaged mitochondria, environmental, pet

food industry’s got a billion dollar problem,

rancid fats, mycotoxin, pesticides,

herbicides… a recipe for cancer awaits.


Modern standards can ‘set owners up to fail’, what can be done to risk manage cancer?

Evaluating timing of cultural acceptance, financial barriers to entry, UX feasibility, need and competition.



“The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.

It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.” – Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds

For we love dearly, we are afraid to make a wrong choice and cause harm. Pio understands those insecurities.

Research & Card Sort

Creating low barriers to entry for optimal health.


Design for error and safety in extreme situations, organic and gentle UI.

Translating Research to UI

Taking complex research and turning it into friendly UI.

Biological clock and fatty liver research conducted by Dr.Satchin Panda.

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Welcome to Pio!

We are humbled you’ve chosen Pio to be your helper in pet wellness.

We believe in thriving with optimal health for beloved furry family.


Fasting for Autophagy

Discovery of autophagy’s activation through food restriction by Yoshinori Ohsumi recieved Nobel Prize in 2016.

Autophagy is a super repair mode that body goes into, used in cancer treatments and prevention.

Designing for Error.

Extreme situations are unlikely, but safe guards are put in place for pups with medical conditions.

Do the Right Thing at Right time.

For the optimal cellular health regimen, or for the owner not into fasting.

Just by only changing the feeding window, researchers saw amazing benefits.

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Optimal Health, Daily or Weekly.

Choose from Circadian, Gentle, Maintenance, or Personalized Preset to meet pup’s unique needs.

Timely Feedback & Report

New routines can be worrying. We don’t leave you in the dark!

Know what’s happening by the hour, receive badges and reports for fido’s achievement in health.

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The Heart of Pio,

Is an Easy Entry to Proactive Wellness

Understanding cancer as a metabolic response, at Pio, we condition the metabolic pathways.